30 November 2008

Spiced-wine and liqueur-making...a skillshare

I've been making hot-spiced wine for a few years now during the colder months, mostly because it's so darn easy.

Last year I decided to start making liqueurs for the holidays to give out as gifts for family and friends. I appropriated interesting-looking bottles from friends, recycle bins and and occasionally goodwill. I made a little custom card with the name and recipe of the liqueur to help pass-on the knowledge of the home-made goodness.

Yesterday, I held a skillshare to teach others how to make liqueurs and spiced wine. It went really well....6 people came out to learn. We made vanilla bean, creamy almond and coffee liqueur, plus a simple hot-spiced wine. We also tasted cranberry liqueur that I had been steeping for 2wks. I provided some recipes, bottling tips, places to get cheaper organic ingredients and an estimate of what it costs to make them. Here are some recipes & tips (some only relevant to local bizs here in Portland).

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